
A Library consists of raw react components which can be used to make our applications better.

What are raw-components ?

Raw components are half build components i.e. 80 to 90 percent heavylifting regarding Styles and JavaScript is already done you can make minimal modifications to fit them in your needs.


When I started frontend development it was very difficult for me to build components like Modal, Dropdowns, Toasts etc. Open source was an option but there I didn't get full control over the components regarding JavaScript and Styles. So I decided to build react-raw as a collection of raw components that I would use for my projects regularly. Dropdowns, Modals and etc are all the essential components of the UI that we as developers need for our projects on a day to day basis, since creating them again and again is repetitive task and react-raw is an attempt to help you to build components as quickly as you can. I hope this proves as useful to you as it is to me.